On the occasion of the Paris Motor Show 2018 and echoing its new signature ‘Inspired by you’

Lonsdale AKDV will unveil the new stand “La Maison Citroën” over an area of 1600 m2 putting visitors at the heart of the concept of the brand.

Completely redesigned, the space promises a complete immersion in the Citroën universe and a unique 100% “feels like home” comfort experience, where the general public is invited to cross three large original wooden arches, whose silhouette precisely recalls that of a house; while the suspended rafters fly over the “Welcome Table” delimiting the central aisle.

A first podium showcases a concept-car, while the monumental wooden “Welcome Table” which measures more than 12 meters long allows visitors to learn about the news of the brand, or simply sit and stay ‘connected’ through integrated plugs.

In the extension, the Citroën booth includes an “Arena” that can accommodate more than 100 seats. Many cozy and multicolored armchairs that invite a moment of relaxation. Ideal to gain perspective and visualize the entire line of cars staged in 3 poles:

– The new ‘Café Bulle’ located on the other side in the mezzanine, with lively yellow and orange colors. This VIP area invites you to quench your thirst and refresh yourself in the spirit of Café André.

– The Citroën lifestyle product store called ‘The Little Citroën’ is dedicated to young and old alike, located under a glass roof and extending for the first time outside of its walls.

– And a Racing space.

A particular emotion is underlined by the celebration of the centenary of the brand with the showing of films on giant screens. And as a nod to previous shows, high wall mounted vehicles celebrate the pride of Citroën!


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