We design
brand odysseys

More than ever, brands have become the cultural heritage of companies.

They are now the backbone and one of the most valuable assets of organizations, now recognized as a true change management tool and not just a marketing one.

Brands trace trajectories paved with products, services and places whose uniqueness they must constantly cultivate.

Their longevity and competitiveness are the result of aligning their mission with the real and imaginary worlds they build.

To attract the support and preference of their various audiences, they must provide powerful and inspiring references.

Lonsdale optimizes and energizes brand trajectories.

Lonsdale propels them into their timeless truth to serve their development.

Through its strategic and prospective listening skills, through the diversity of perspectives it brings regarding their uses, their environment, and new technological ruptures, Lonsdale has the power to mobilize all components of the brands, in order to better align them and set them in motion.

Lonsdale imagines, tells, and draws stories and brand experiences that anchor brands in the legitimacy of the moment, and engage them in a long-term dynamic.

A fully integrated organization

For more

Thanks to our strategic planning and our Innovation & Business Design division, we place strategic intelligence at the heart of our model to project brands into the uses of tomorrow.

For more

Independent, with an open community of more than 250 ultra sharp multidisciplinary experts across the globe, we cross cultures and expertises.

For more

Our compass: permanent alignment between the brand promise and its perfect execution on all touchpoints. To always keep global performance as a horizon.

For more

The odyssey of a brand can only be built in a collaborative way. We co-construct brands together with all of their stakeholders.


8 rue Lavoisier
75008 Paris – France

Innovative since 1961, Lonsdale is the first branding and design agency in France. 100% independent, it was elected Strategic Branding Agency of the Year 2020. From Paris and throughout Europe and the Middle East, Lonsdale helps companies, product brands and retailers define their uniqueness to build coherent, effective and sustainable brand experiences.


91 Bencoolen Street
#04-05 Sunshine Plaza
Singapore 189652

Born in 2010 in Singapore, Why? Brand Design was set up from the beginning to offer first class consumer branding and packaging design to help multinationals navigate and build successful brands in Asia. Our direct presence in Singapore allows us to serve the entire Asia Pacific region, a key region for many of our international clients such as Heineken, L’Oréal or Unilever.

Sister Agency CBX

Minneapolis, New York

CBX is a distinguished independent brand & design agency in the US, that creates brand experiences designed for cultural and commercial impact.


Mixing viewpoints and finding the degrees of discrepancy to guarantee the uniqueness of brands and win the hearts of customers.

  • Clarisse Dezerable

    Head of the Digital Studio

  • Nathalie Derrey

    Creative Director

  • Julie Verdeau

    Talent Director

  • Nadia Romanis

    Managing Director Singapore

  • Manon Boutié

    Business Director - Luxury & premium brands

  • Pierre Thévenard

    Creative Director - Retail & Architecture

  • Thierry Buriez

    Creative Director

  • Valérie Ancelle

    Senior Advisor - Film Production MakeMyDay

  • Angélique Le Tinier

    Business Director

  • Pascal Barrère

    Creative Director

  • Diane De Mareschal

    Director Signage Activity

  • Maxime Debeury

    Senior Creative Director

  • Michel Benhamou

    Director - CTRL BRAND

  • Marc-André Allard

    Partner – Innovation Director

  • Gilles Portail

    Managing Director Finance

  • Félix Mathieu

    Partner - Head of Strategic Planning

  • David So

    Creative Director

  • Julie Jolliot

    Deputy Managing Director - Head of Corporate Branding Paris

  • Marie Reynaud

    Marketing & Business Director

  • Cat Murphy

    Creative Director Singapore

  • Sébastien Claudel

    Creative Director

  • Marina Périch

    Business Director

  • Alessandro Bolchi

    Creative Director

  • François Hannebicque

    Senior Partner – Creative Director

  • Sylvie Varez

    Partner - Senior Business Director

  • Cécile Ayed

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Philippe Delmotte

    Senior Creative Director

  • Nicolas Venturini

    Deputy Managing Director - Head of Retail & Architecture Paris

  • Muriel Schildknecht

    Executive Creative Director Singapore

  • Olivier Guicheteau

    Creative Director

  • Jocelyne Henri

    Partner - International Director

  • Laurence Bendjenad

    Creative Director

  • Frédéric Messian


  • Florence Scalia

    Senior Advisor

  • Sébastien Bouyges

    Business Director

  • Eva Episcopo

    Business Director

  • Matteo Tenaglia

    Client Growth Director Singapore

  • Sandra Joly

    Deputy Managing Director - Head of Consumer Branding Paris

  • Mélanie Bonnet

    Business Director


Embarking on a sustainable adventure

As drivers of change, brands are expected to contribute to a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable society.
Lonsdale is a certified B Corporation™, certified Great Place to Work®, and a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2020. Our CSR commitments, recognized with an EcoVadis Silver Medal for 2023-24, place us among the top 15% of evaluated companies. Lonsdale publishes its CSR report each year to share its progress and inspire those looking to advance on their own scale.
Our CSR policy is based on three main pillars:

Putting people at the heart of our actions

with a particular concern for the well-being and quality of life at work for our employees, as a Great Place to Work® but also through our citizen commitments with the Fondation Action Enfance or ISCOM, focused on inclusion and the promotion of diversity, particularly in our business.

Supporting our clients in improving their practices

and their communication systems in favor of progress, particularly on issues of responsible digital or circular design through our Circulab certified methodologies.

Limiting our impact

through a policy of reducing our emissions and through the choice of our suppliers. We have conducted our first carbon assessment in 2022, developed a material library and sourcing of eco-responsible suppliers, and are a member of Ecoprod to improve audiovisual production practices.

Created in 1961 by a visionary English designer, Richard Lonsdale, the agency developed an innovative approach from that time: the first agency to develop innovative concepts based on the precise observation of behaviors, to consider the design of a packaging as a “psychological operation” and to reproduce in its offices a supermarket to test the design of its products.

Thus, Lonsdale did design thinking before its time, with the first bottle of Evian in PET in 1969, which is the result of an excellent analysis of uses: a light bottle was needed for children and the elderly, i.e. a population that had difficulty carrying a six-pack of glass bottles. This was the archetype of a successful response to a consumer need.
In 1982, the agency designed the Vizirette, a translucent ball, in response to the launch of the first liquid detergents. Lonsdale also designed the first ATMs, the famous logo of The Laughing Cow, of Baccarat, Nicolas, Paquet Cruises and more recently brands such as Formule 1, Campanile, La Halle, Nocibé, Vélos et Oxygen or Buffalo Grill.

And did you know that it was Paul Berçot, one of Lonsdale’s emblematic managers, who had the word “design” included in the Larousse?



It is this unique combination of expertise serving the needs of our clients that has made the Lonsdale model so strong and stable since its acquisition in 2007 by Frédéric Messian, its current CEO and main shareholder. Since then, the company has experienced strong growth, both organically and through external growth (acquisitions : 2012 Western Design, retail & architecture specialist / 2013 Peter Pen, corporate communication expert / 2014 Steaw, digital agency / 2015 Retail Access, retail agency / 2015 Sparkle, premium agency / 2015 Loop, activation and shopper experience / 2016 AKDV, retail & architecture agency / 2017 Shiva, pure player digital agency, 2018 Unédite and then 2019 Anaka, brand content specialists) to make Lonsdale a leading agency in terms of strategic branding and 360° design.

2022 marks a new turning point for Lonsdale, as the agency consolidates its international footprint with the acquisition of Why? Brand Design, now Why by Lonsdale, founded in 2010 in Singapore and led by Cécile Ayed. This strategic acquisition marks a new phase in Lonsdale’s ambitious expansion plan and confirms the agency’s desire to develop an integrated hub for each major geographic zone. After Paris and its hub dedicated to Europe, this direct presence in Singapore allows the agency to serve the entire Asia Pacific region. Why by Lonsdale has a portfolio of international clients such as Unilever, Heineken, L’Oréal, but also local and regional clients such as Marico, F&N, or the largest supermarket chain in Singapore NTUC FairPrice.