La Trendroom du planning #14 is out !

Hopecore ― Feel-good” content continues to flourish on networks under the #Hopecore banner.

« Here’s the voice » ― What if audio were a solution to wean ourselves off screens? That’s the promise of the AI-Pin, billed as the future of voice assistants.

Focus economy  The boom in hybrid working and multitasking has had an unprecedented effect on our concentration, which has become a precious resource for companies and their employees

Return to the officeEver more cramped by the housing crisis, Gen Zers prefer to work face-to-face.

NightlifeAfter the appearance of cookies to counter midnight cravings, it’s now Doritos’ turn to launch its dedicated “late night snacks” offer for ghost kitchens.

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Lonsdale Asia announces senior creative promotions

Lonsdale Asia has announced the promotions of Christine Wiryakartika and Katrina Crescenzo to Associate Creative Director of the Singapore studio.…
20.12.2024 Agency life

Holiday Wishes 2025

We may have used last year’s cards, but our holiday wishes have never been newer.
05.12.2024 Press review

Transform Magazine │ Minorities and Brand Karma

With the launch of a new Vaseline Transition Body Lotion designed by Lonsdale Singapore, the agency’s strategy team explored how…
05.12.2024 Insights

INfluencia │ Study “Brand Shifts 2025”: Why Brands Must Aim Higher and Commit Harder

For the first time, the strategic planning teams at Lonsdale in Paris, Singapore, and New York reveal the key trends…