Bringing ADEME’s 2050 carbon neutrality transition scenarios to life


“How to bring to life ADEME’s 2050 scenarios for a carbon neutral transition with design fiction tools, to reach out to a wider audience in a pedagogical way?”

A joint initiative of Iscom, Lonsdale and ADEME, as part of the Green Lab (design lab working on environmental and ecological transition topics).

A one-week design sprint, conceived and accompanied by the Lonsdale teams, during which 62 students delivered their vision of our daily life in 2050.

our recommendation

The participating students followed the methodology of design fiction. This practice, which consists of exploring the implications of future developments, complements traditional prospective approaches by proposing tools that make it possible to transcribe these developments into tangible matter that can be apprehended by the various audiences for which it is intended.

It is a question of giving substance to what, by definition, cannot be shown, as it still only exists in the state of possibility.

To do this, design fiction uses classic design tools such as storytelling, illustration, prototyping of physical objects, services, etc. It also uses “fictions as a means of creating a new world”. It also uses “fictions as a reservoir of imaginaries from which to draw” (in Playing with Futures, ed. Pearson, 2016).

During this week-long Design Sprint and in 6 stages, the students came up with original, inspiring, educational materials: podcasts, comics, graphic novels, short films, games, serious gaming, artefacts, products/services, experiments…